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Ethnicity Prejudice

In a class, the teacher/trainer suggests a group activity and tells students/learners to gather themselves in groups of 3 or 4. The students/learners belong to different migrant background and somehow divide themselves accordingly. There is student/learner A. who is left aside and the teacher/trainer suspects it is because he comes from a completely different country/has a completely different religion/looks/skin colour.


The Teacher/Trainer asks the students/learners the following


  • If you were in the position of student/learner A, how would you feel?


  • If you would belong to a group with another two colleagues (with whom you have several aspects in common, ex: religion, homeland, urban tribe, etc.), which would be your arguments to take and not to take student/learner A. in your group.


  • If you were the teacher/trainer how would you solve this problem?


  • Do you think it would have been better that the teacher picks the groups her/himself, that the students/learners chooses with whom they would work with, or it should have been done randomly?


  • Fill in Worksheet and discuss your answers


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@ MINDSET Project Managing Social Relations in Schools 2014-1-UK01-KA200-001766

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