Unit 2 -Managing Diversity in the Classroom: Applications and Implementation Principles
LEVEL EQF, level 6
TEACHING LANGUAGE English, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish
By using case studies, stories, film, drama learners will be exposed and required to respond to real life issues associated with managing diversity in a classroom context. Kolb’s cycle of experiential learning highlights the fours stages of reflection, which we would apply to these experiences and acknowledge the skills and experiences, which learners themselves bring to the classroom. There is a possibility that we could employ the use of drama and include the techniques of Augusto Boal, as a way of exploring issues and methods associated with managing diversity. The intention is that this process empowers learners to develop their own strategies and develop reflection skills, which are essential to help learners to sustain their ability to manage diversity within their own classrooms.
Principles related to diversity:
Personal and professional context
Their influence on your teaching practice
Evaluating ideas and concepts
Strategies for managing diversity:
Methods to nurturing an effective learning environment/ community
Approaches to managing power and status
Mediation and conflict resolution/ Scenario building [Beer and Stief (1997) Conflict Triangle]
Impact of management strategies on the class
Review the impact and application of organisational systems and professional codes and conduct (professional integrity)
Tools for managing diversity
Behavioural change strategies
Group work skills
Basic facilitation and mentoring skills
Attentive listening techniques
Implementing and using reflective practice techniques
Sustainable approaches to managing diversity
What you need to know to achieve learning outcomes:
Principles associated with diversity
How to evaluation ideas and concepts
Strategies designed to manage diversity in the classroom
The impact of different management strategies on the class
Tools to help manage diversity in the classroom
Understanding conditions under which each tool works best – reflective practice
How to plan for managing diversity in the future
The activities in this unit include the use of experiential learning, including problem based learning, small group work and case study analysis. The emphasis will be on participatory learning, so that in each of these teaching methods we will use participatory activities including role play (forum theatre / playback theatre), discussion and critical thinking activities.

Forum Theatre/Playback Theatre
Forum theatre is used as a forum for teaching people how to change their world. The observers can suggest different actions for the characters to carry out in an attempt to change the outcome of what they are seeing.
Playback Theatre is an original form of improvisational theatre in which group members tell stories from their lives and watch them enacted back to them. It is a visual form of reflection.
Goto Activity

Inclusion by Design-Reflective Practice
The curriculum should represent the diversity of contemporary society, facilitating an environment in which all students feel welcome
Goto Activity

Critical Thinking and Discussion
As a cornerstone to problem solving is the ability to think in a critical way and discuss the possible options available at the time in a given situation. This activity explores our different levels of siocial comfort based on subtle prejudices and makes us ask the question why?
Goto Activity
Photo acknowledgements: John Thorne