This Toolkit comprises of an Introductory powerpoint presentation, the powerpoints for each Unit of the Course and the Activities Bank. This Toolkit should be used in conjunction with the Didactic Manual to make the best use of the material.
Introduction to Tools
Didactic Manual
The Didactic Manual is a methodological support manual for teachers taking this course, so they may implement the course in their own teaching.
The manual focuses on the following
Part I. Diversity Management and Social Inclusion in the Classroom
Diversity and Discrimination in Schools and Other Educational Environments
European and National Legislations on Social Inclusion
The MINDSET Course: An Overview.
Part II: The Mindset Training Course on Diversity Management
Unit 1. The Student in her/his Social Setting-Students’ Perspectives/ the School as a Social Institution: Norms and Social Conditions.
Unit 2. Managing Diversity in the Classroom: Applications and Implementation Principles.
Unit 3. Diversity as a Source for Learning and a Base for Democracy.
Unit 4. Fighting Issues of Discrimination and Bullying.
Unit 5. Mediation and Conflict Resolution Techniques.
Part III: Appendix and Instruments
Tools and Good Practices for Managing Diversity in the Classroom.
Reference Material and Further Reading.
Webliography, Useful Links and Multimedia Resources.