LEVEL EQF, level 6
TEACHING LANGUAGE English, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish
The main goal of education is to maximize the overall development of students as well as the different areas or dimensions of development: engine, affective, cognitive, communicative and social. You need to educate whole people, not only academically, but also to educate them personally and socially. Thus, education has two basic purposes for students; the first; human-oriented socialization training and training in values, norms and attitudes to develop them as active and contributing members of society. The second, cognitive or academic training aimed at training the individual. It is first we refer to when we talk about school as a socialising institution and we can say that today is falling into oblivion as we often find ourselves subject to lack of values, lack of critical capacity, etc.
When we speak of the school as socialising institution we are referring to the social dimension of the student. One of the major aims of education is to socially integrate the student into the community in which it is immersed, as well as prepare you to function successfully in it.
Exploring the school as a social institution in terms of looking at the Community (Macro Level), Groups within the community (Meso Level) and the Individual (Micro Level)
To know the reality of the student and family (origin, economic level, etc.)
To be aware of the possibility of our capacities.
To work with emotional intelligence.
The activities in this unit include a reflexive perspective, by confronting their own experiences with different case studies of good practices relating diversity management and or culturally and gender responsive pedagogies - both in school environments and other education contexts - which demonstrates that schools can work as a space of exchange, reflection and confrontation between parents, teachers, students, researchers and educators.
The Butterfly Circus
Butterfly Circus is a 20 minute dramatic short film which is a testament to the power of hope and faith in one self. It is a wonderful reflection of the themes of good and evil, man vs. man, man vs. himself and hope conquers all. If you believe in yourself, you will be saved.
Goto Activity

Case Studies.
A series of Case studies to understand how indiviuals fit within groups and groups fit within the school as an institution

The Feelings Corner
The corner of the feelings where all the emotions found in the books are represented in posters with real pictures and colours, in these stories, every feeling is related with a colour. Every morning, each student writes their next to the poster that has got the emotion they feel at that moment