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Unit 5- Mediation and conflict resolution techniques



LEVEL                                 EQF, level 6


ECTS                                  1


TEACHING LANGUAGE          English, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Turkish

Whenever there are people, there is conflict. Conflict results from the difference of opinions or perspectives of the people involved. Conflict is natural when diversity prevails and it doesn’t have to mean something negative if the people involved know how to deal with it. In the learning context it is not different from the “outside world”. The main goal of this unit is to transmit the idea that conflict is natural and that there are techniques and solutions to mediate and solve them.


In the world of today, learning environments are full with asymmetries based on diversity. These asymmetric profiles can result in conflict whether it has to do with race or migrant background, poverty, religion or sexual orientation. Both learners and especially teachers/trainers should not only be aware of this but also be able to deal with it appropriately. This is precisely the aim of this unit, to identify several types of conflicts, the different phases inside a conflict, the cultural differences which condition the conflict itself but also its resolution possibilities; to learn different resolution models and to acquire mediation strategies and tools to better deal with conflicts.


This unit will begin with the well-known iceberg model to explain the origins of conflicts, other models will be also presented in this same sense, but also aiming its resolution. To do so, the process of a conflict will be described step by step and the possible actions to be taken. Having the origin of conflicts and its phases well defined, the following step will be to present models of handling conflicts and its practical side. Apart from this theoretical approach, study cases will be also provided so that learners can exercise the models presented in situations which might be familiar to them from the educational environment.

In the end, learners should know how to identify a conflict situation and help actively recurring to the most suitable strategy or technique to solve it.


  • Definition of conflict

  • Causes for conflicts

  • Phases within a conflict

  • Different resolution models (and its strategies)

  • Cultural differences which condition conflicts and resolutions


  • Describe what a conflict is.

  • Identify different types of conflict.

  • Identify different resolution models.

  • Acquire strategies, techniques and tools to act as a conflict mediator

  • Apply strategies, techniques and tools  to solve conflicts.


Presentation of different types of conflicts and models of resolution, reflection and discussion based on examples, practical exercises, debate and analysis off the argument involved, shared opinions

Case Studies

If a Student or Learner is isolated due to different ethnicity how as a Teacher or Trainers do you resolve these tensions when it comes to group work?




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