Feelings Corner
Team work/ Individual work.
In order to make the students more conscious about the different emotions they feel, and the paper they play in their lives, both in or out of school, we suggest to create the “corner of the feelings” in the classroom. To introduce the concept, the teacher is going to tell a story that talks about this topic. Some of the books that can be used are “The Monster of the Colors” or “Paula and her hair of colours”. After telling the story, the teacher is going to talk to his students about the feeling and emotions that appeared in the story, which ones they usually feel, how they like to feel, which emotions make them feel bad…
Then, in classroom, the teacher is going to build the corner of the feelings where all the emotions they could find in the books will be represented in posters with real pictures and colours, since in these stories, every feeling is related with a colour.
Every morning, each student is going to write his name next to the poster that has got the emotion they feel at that moment. Seeing where the students put their names, the teacher can start a conversation about how they feel, the reason why they feel that way, how could they change it… Moreover, at the end of the schoolday, the students could change the place where they put their names and place it in a different poster if something happened during the day that made them feel different.
This is a good way to make the children aware of the importance of feeling good and make the others feel good too and what they can do to achieve it. This activity will also make the teahcer know how his students are, how they react to different situations happening along the day and in case the results are not the ones we expected, find the way to change them.