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Inclusivity in Group Work

This activity involves Forum Theatre. Forum theatre is used as a forum for teaching people how to change their world. The observers can suggest different actions for the characters to carry out in an attempt to change the outcome of what they are seeing.


Choose 5 Student to take up the roles of 5 characters  on the information sheet. These students will be supplied with cardboard, string, glue, paints, stickers etc.


These 5 will then be ask to make a Den.


This Den must:


  • Accomodate all of them at once

  • Have a roof

  • Include a Cup holder

  • Include decorated shelf that takes the weight of a book

  • Look appealing


This is all instruction that the Group are given. The Students must complete the task in character



During the task periodically stop the action and get the rest of the class who are watching to suggest actions required by the students or the Teacher in an attempt to make the group work run more smoothly. The students playing the roles must comply to the decisions taken


Afterwards discuss what you have learned from the Forum Theatre

Photo acknowledgements: John Thorne

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@ MINDSET Project Managing Social Relations in Schools 2014-1-UK01-KA200-001766

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